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Semco Windows Costs And Quotes

Explore Semco window costs and prices from past homeowners and consumers who have used their wood window models. Semco is a Merrill, Wisconsin based wood window manufacturer. The company makes wood windows that use an aluminum exterior and are available in quite a number of exterior color options. The company doesn't get a ton of press, they are more of a regional manufacturer. In general, Semco strikes me as a middle-of-the-road wood window manufacturer. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of wood clad windows in general. I think it it were me, I would always opt for Marvin windows over Semco, but consumers are also going to spend quite a bit more for these.

Dan K. - Site Editor

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Semco Windows Prices

I live here in Denver and have received two bids so far, neither of which I'm all that happy with. My house has 30 windows that need to be replaced and the bids do include all the installation etc.

Marvin Aluminum Clad Ultimate: $60,000

Semco Double Hung: $45,000

Bill - October, 2016

Site Editor's Response

Bill, those are expensive bids, I'll say that. Wood windows are expensive -- have you looked into a good vinyl window like Sunrise, Zen, Amerimax or even Simonton. Vinyl has some really strong positives over wood, especially in the price point category. You should be more in the $20 to $30K I would think with vinyl (it sounds like you may have lots of installation requirements that are driving up the cost per window, but I'm just extrapolating from the current bids). Some vinyl manufacturers make wood interior laminates that look like wood, but don't have the same issues as wood.

Get some bids and send them my way and I can weigh in on what look like your best options.

Dan K. - October, 2016

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