Home » Manufacturers » Soft-Lite Window Prices

Soft-Lite Windows Costs And Quotes

Explore Soft-Lite window costs and prices from consumers and homeowners on the Barrington, Bainbridge, Pro, Classic Imperial LS and the Elements window series. Soft-Lite Windows are considered some of the best vinyl windows on the market. They carry a number of different models that run from the lower mid range to the top tier vinyl windows available. Their Barrington is a lower end window, but the Bainbridge is not bad, it's better than almost anything you are going to find at one of the big box stores. The Classic and Pro models are considered top end mid range vinyl windows. The design has been around for quite some time, but like the name says, they are classic. I would have either of these windows in my house, no questions asked.

The real cream of the crop vinyl windows from Soft-Lite is the Imperial LS and the Elements, each of which is one of the top 10 vinyl windows on the market, in my opinion. They are going to be expensive, but you will get what you pay for.

Dan K. - Site Editor

Soft-Lite Pricing By Model: Bainbridge Series | Pro Series

Classic Series | Imperial LS Series | Elements Series

Email our site editor Dan K. and get all of your window cost questions answered!

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Soft-Lite Bainbridge Windows Costs

Soft-Lite Bainbridge Costs

I've narrowed my choice to Polaris and Softlite. Here are my project specifics: 8 double hung window, 4 are normal sized, 4 are large and require tempered glass. 1 6' patio slider door.

Polaris Ultraweld double pane windows and sliding patio door: $6,300

Softlite Bainbridge double pane window and Kingsroyal sliding patio door $6,400

Dan - April, 2016

Site Editor's Response

The Bainbridge isn't the best window in the Soft-Lite arsenal but still has a .06 air infiltration rating, which is pretty good still. If it were one of the better Soft-Lite windows, I would say go with them, but the Bainbridge isn't my favorite because it uses a thinner frame.

I happen to really like Polaris and the UltraWeld is a very nice window. I actually don't know much about their patio sliders, but I would have to imagine them very solid. If it were me I would jump on the Polaris deal, assuming you like the company and feel comfortable that the installers will do a good job.

Dan K. - April, 2016

Bainbridge Costs

Hello Dane and Tim, I have been quoted $487.00 per window for the Soft-Lite Bainbridge LE (replacing a total of 17) and have been offered a total discount of $425.00 from the final cost. I live in Atlanta and would prefer more glass than vinyl - just my preference as I want to see a view more than white trim. Would the Bainbridge LE windows be my best choice as the salesman suggested? (I wasn't impressed with the Simonton window salesperson and the cost was about $100.00 more per window)

Also, since we have more hot than cold days here, and need to block the heat infiltration from the west facing windows, I want to make sure the Bainbridge LW will work. Your comments are greatly appreciated!

Stephanie - Homeowner - from 2016

Site Editor's Response

Stephanie, the Soft-Lite Bainbridge is one of the lower end series from Soft-Lite and while not a bad vinyl window, I do prefer the Classic and Pro models to the Bainbridge. These would be the mid range Soft-Lite options, while the Imperial LS and Elements series are their premium models and are the best in the business.

I would first go back and ask if he carries any of these models and get a quote to see how they compare. In general, this sounds like a fair price to me. Then I would see if you could get another quote from a Sunrise window dealer on the standard Sunrise window (you can add any upgrades that you need to the standard frame). I would say the standard Sunrise is equivalent to the Soft-Lite Pro/Classic models. Also try Okna, Polaris and Kensington and see if any of these brands are available in your area. Bids are free and while they may be a pain, they are a great way to get more information on your windows and pricing in your area.

Simonton makes a ton of different windows so I would need to know the series to know how the prices compare. However, I would never advise giving your business to someone whom you are less than impressed with.

In terms of SHGC or solar heat gain, ask each rep who comes and gives you a bid what the ideal SHGC would be for your area and then whether you can (or should) lower this on any west or south facing window that get lots of sun exposure. They should have a good idea of your area since they sell all day long to homeowners with your basic climate. Two of three opinions should get you the answer, although not always :)

Let me know what you find in terms of price and I'll let you know my two cents.

Dan K. - April, 2016

Soft-Lite Pro Windows Costs

Soft-Lite Pro Window Comparison

I am looking at Soft-lite Pro Windows and wondering how good the Feldco ones are? They are running a buy one, get one deal, but nothing on their website about construction? Is it worth checking out? The Pros are running about $684 per window installed.

Audrey - April, 2019

Site Editor's Response

The Soft-Lite Pro window is a very good window, from a very strong company. Obviously I don't know who is doing the install, but assuming they have a solid reputation and track record, this is a very good option. Feldco windows on the other hand is a product/company that I don't have a ton of experience with. I looked at the performance data of their premium model, Sophia, and was impressed though. If you went with htem, I'd suggest sticking to their premium vinyl window.

Personally, I would be leaning hard towards the Soft-Lite option, but I'd like to see you get that per window cost down. I'd still collect a couple more bids to see if the $684 per window is fair. I'll give you my list of quality brands to look at: Okna, Sunrise, Polaris, Kensington, and Zen windows (they sell Soft-Lite). Easiest to do a google search for "sunrise windows in [your city] Illinois" for instance and see if any local companies sell them. If so call them up and get a bid.

Dan K. - March, 2019

Soft-Lite Pro vs. Imperial LS

How about Soft light Imperil LS or the Pro and is it worth spending more money for the LS or should I stay with the pro

John - March 2018

Site Editor's Response

The Soft-Lite Imperial LS and Pro models are both excellent, so much better than the Alside. The Pro model is quite good and the Imperial LS is one of the best on the market. I personally think the Pro is fine for most households.

Tim - Site Editor - March 2018

Soft-Lite Pro vs. Elements

I am replacing 9 windows and have narrowed it down to the soft lite elements for $6700 or the soft lite pro for $6050. A there any advantages for either one? From what I've read it seems the price is on the high side at $750 per window. Any other windows I should look at that have similar qualities? Thank you

Kathy - October 2016

Site Editor's Response

Kathy, the Soft-Lite Pro is an older model and considered a very good vinyl window. The Soft-Lite Elements is their top-of-the-line window, the company spent quite a bit of R and D in redesigning the Imperial LS and Elements windows, and considered one of the best vinyl windows available.

I agree that $750 per window sounds a bit high, but it's not necessarily too high for the specifics of your project. I would suggest getting a couple more bids -- check out our top rated windows page for other contenders that might be available in your area. This will help you determine if the bid is high or not and may give you a better price point to go back to the Soft-Lite dealer and ask him to match another bid etc.

Tim - Site Editor - from 2016

Soft-Lite Classic Windows Costs

Soft-Lite Classic vs. Champion Pricing

I recently had quotes on the Alside Mezzo, the Soft-Lite Classic and Champion. The Soft-Lite Classic was $475 a window, the Mezzo bid was about $500 a window and the Champion vinyl window was $550 a window. So which one would you recommend if it was your house?

Robbie - February, 2018

Site Editor's Response

Robbie, I think all three of these vinyl windows are decent options. I am happy to tell you that the cheapest bid you got is also on the better of the three windows. The Soft-Lite Classic is quite a nice window, better than the Alside Mezzo in my opinion. Champion Windows makes a good vinyl window, probably on par with the Classic, but it's obviously quite a more expensive. Go with the Soft-Lite dealer and let me know how it goes!

Dan K. - February, 2018

Soft-Lite Imperial LS Windows Costs

Soft Lite Imperial LS Bid

I have 19 double hung windows and three bids. One is a composite window and the other two are vinyl.

Harvey Classic Window - $550 per window

Interstate Composite Window - $643 per window

Soft Lite Imperial LS Window - $675 per window

Thank you!!

Mike - October, 2019

Site Editor's Response

Mike, the Harvey Classic is well priced. I don't know much about the Interstate composite window. My overall pick here would be the Soft-Lite Imperial LS.

Dan K. - October, 2019

Soft Lite Imperial LS Or Okna 500 Deluxe

We are in the process of replacing 20 windows in our house and I wanted to know what you thoughts about the quotes we have thus far.

Okna 500 Deluxe Window: $733 each with installation

Soft Lite Imperial LS: $650 each with installation

Robert - May, 2018

Site Editor's Response

Robert, both excellent windows. I would rate them in the top 8 vinyl windows on the market. They are very close in terms of quality and performance. So...definitely the Soft Lite Imperial LS at $650 each with installation and save yourself over $1600.

Dan K. - May, 2018

Soft-Lite Elements Windows Costs

Soft-lite Elements vs. Okna 500

I need to replace 18 windows that we put on the home in the early 80s. I have quotes from Soft-Lite, Marvin and Okna. Several of the windows are large and I'm concerned about using vinyl windows.

I have dismissed the Marvin quote because it was too expensive. So now I'm down to the Okna 500 and Soft-lite Elements as my two choices. Do you have any opinions on which one, they are very close in price.

Thank you!!!

Kendra - December, 2018

Site Editor's Response

Kendra, you should be fine with either one of these windows across a big span. Some of the less well made vinyl windows would be a cause for concern, but not the two options you have. Both Okna 500 and Soft-lite Elements are excellent windows with very good energy efficiency.

The Soft-lite Elements is better than the Okna 500. If it were between the Soft-lite Elements and Okna 800 model it would be very close, but here the answer is clear -- the Elements.

Dan K. - December, 2018

Soft Light Elements vs. Sunrise Restorations

Thank you for getting back to me and giving me your opinion it is helping me make my decision. Two days ago I found a dealer that installs Sunrise Windows. We are going to look at the Restoration series. How does that stack up with the Soft Light Elements?

Henry - November, 2017

Site Editor's Response

Henry, the Okna 800, Sunrise Restorations, and Soft Light Elements are the three best vinyl windows on the market. They are all three excellent.

Dan K. - November, 2017

Elements Series vs Gilkey

We are replacing 11 windows in all and are choosing between the following:

Gilkey Double Hungs 366 (U-value 0.26) $800 per window

Soft-Lite Elements: (triple pane, U-value .19) $680 per window

To me, the Gilkey seems a bit more sturdy. Also the window would be installed by a team that works at the factory so I'm assuming they know the windows very well. What would your call be?

Cindy - April, 2016

Site Editor's Response

Hi Cindy. Gilkey does make a good window, but I'm not sure there are many people out there who would consider anything they make better than the Soft Lite Elements. The Elements is widely considered one of the top five vinyl windows around. Assuming the Soft-Lite installers seem like they know their stuff and have good online reviews, that's the choice I would make. However, either window is going to serve you well for decades to come.

Dan K. - April, 2016

Soft-Lite Casement Prices

Where can I find these prices in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area? One example I've received is a Softlite casement installed for $1,950. Softlite slider installed ..........$1,450. This is a great deal higher than you show in your cost list.

George - April, 2016

Site Editor's Response

George, these are industry average prices for a normal sized window with standard installation. $1950 for a casement would lead me to believe that you are talking about a huge casement or a fixed middle window with a casement on one side, or perhaps both sides. The installation requirements might be significant as well.

If this isn't the case and you are talking about a normal sized casement or slider, then the price you are receiving is quite high. The Soft-Lite Elements is one of the best vinyl windows out there, but even this window shouldn't cost this much.

Try to get a couple more bids from Sunrise on their standard frame or on an Okna 400 or 500. Perhaps Polaris has a rep in your area.

Get a few bids in order to really see what the fair market price is...

Dan K. - April, 2016

General Soft-Lite Window Questions

Soft-Lite Acquired By Harvey In 2016

Have you heard anything about Soft-Lite quality changing because of being bought by Harvey Industries last year?

David - November, 2017

Site Editor's Response

I have not heard of any changes to the quality of their windows. As far as I know, nothing has changed on the ground. If anything, I would assume the company is stronger with Harvey behind them.

Dan K. - November, 2017

David's Response

Thank you for the reply. I had a well-regarded window company in Kansas City come out who was a Soft-Lite dealer (according to their website) and he had to quote me on the ProVia Endure window.

He couldn't tell the details, of course, but, for some reasons, he didn't quote Soft-Lites, even tho I asked about them. Maybe Harvey has imposed some additional requirements that turned them off (maybe exclusivity or something.) Really appreciate the wealth of info at your sites.

David - November, 2017

Site Editor's Response

David, there are all sorts of odd dealer requirements and rules ? but on the plus side both Soft-Lite and ProVia make a good window. Best of luck to you!

Dan K. - November, 2017

Soft-Lite Picture Window

I want to purchase one soft lite picture window in bronze with an arch top. This will be constructed to fit an existing wall and does not need to be exact. Perhaps 45x45?

Why can?t I just have someone mail one to me?

I would like to avoid the middle man markup.

Deb - January, 2018

Site Editor's Response

Deb, unfortunately, most window manufacturers like Soft-Lite do not sell directly to consumers. Instead they sell through distributors. You can buy home windows through Home Depot and Lowes. Although they don?t sell the same quality windows, some of them do sell some decent windows. The Andersen 100 series is a good window and as a picture window it should serve your purposes well.

I would call all of the big box stores in your area and tell them your requirements and ask what they would recommend. I?ll bet if you talk to three stores, you will have a pretty good idea of price, quality, and availability.

Dan K. - January, 2018

Soft-Lite Windows Costs And Prices | Window Replacement Cost

Home » Manufacturers » Soft-Lite Window Prices

Soft-Lite Windows Costs And Quotes

Explore Soft-Lite window costs and prices from consumers and homeowners on the Barrington, Bainbridge, Pro, Classic Imperial LS and the Elements window series. Soft-Lite Windows are considered some of the best vinyl windows on the market. They carry a number of different models that run from the lower mid range to the top tier vinyl windows available. Their Barrington is a lower end window, but the Bainbridge is not bad, it's better than almost anything you are going to find at one of the big box stores. The Classic and Pro models are considered top end mid range vinyl windows. The design has been around for quite some time, but like the name says, they are classic. I would have either of these windows in my house, no questions asked.

The real cream of the crop vinyl windows from Soft-Lite is the Imperial LS and the Elements, each of which is one of the top 10 vinyl windows on the market, in my opinion. They are going to be expensive, but you will get what you pay for.

Dan K. - Site Editor

Soft-Lite Pricing By Model: Bainbridge Series | Pro Series

Classic Series | Imperial LS Series | Elements Series

Email our site editor Dan K. and get all of your window cost questions answered!

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Soft-Lite Bainbridge Windows Costs

Soft-Lite Bainbridge Costs

I've narrowed my choice to Polaris and Softlite. Here are my project specifics: 8 double hung window, 4 are normal sized, 4 are large and require tempered glass. 1 6' patio slider door.

Polaris Ultraweld double pane windows and sliding patio door: $6,300

Softlite Bainbridge double pane window and Kingsroyal sliding patio door $6,400

Dan - April, 2016

Site Editor's Response

The Bainbridge isn't the best window in the Soft-Lite arsenal but still has a .06 air infiltration rating, which is pretty good still. If it were one of the better Soft-Lite windows, I would say go with them, but the Bainbridge isn't my favorite because it uses a thinner frame.

I happen to really like Polaris and the UltraWeld is a very nice window. I actually don't know much about their patio sliders, but I would have to imagine them very solid. If it were me I would jump on the Polaris deal, assuming you like the company and feel comfortable that the installers will do a good job.

Dan K. - April, 2016

Bainbridge Costs

Hello Dane and Tim, I have been quoted $487.00 per window for the Soft-Lite Bainbridge LE (replacing a total of 17) and have been offered a total discount of $425.00 from the final cost. I live in Atlanta and would prefer more glass than vinyl - just my preference as I want to see a view more than white trim. Would the Bainbridge LE windows be my best choice as the salesman suggested? (I wasn't impressed with the Simonton window salesperson and the cost was about $100.00 more per window)

Also, since we have more hot than cold days here, and need to block the heat infiltration from the west facing windows, I want to make sure the Bainbridge LW will work. Your comments are greatly appreciated!

Stephanie - Homeowner - from 2016

Site Editor's Response

Stephanie, the Soft-Lite Bainbridge is one of the lower end series from Soft-Lite and while not a bad vinyl window, I do prefer the Classic and Pro models to the Bainbridge. These would be the mid range Soft-Lite options, while the Imperial LS and Elements series are their premium models and are the best in the business.

I would first go back and ask if he carries any of these models and get a quote to see how they compare. In general, this sounds like a fair price to me. Then I would see if you could get another quote from a Sunrise window dealer on the standard Sunrise window (you can add any upgrades that you need to the standard frame). I would say the standard Sunrise is equivalent to the Soft-Lite Pro/Classic models. Also try Okna, Polaris and Kensington and see if any of these brands are available in your area. Bids are free and while they may be a pain, they are a great way to get more information on your windows and pricing in your area.

Simonton makes a ton of different windows so I would need to know the series to know how the prices compare. However, I would never advise giving your business to someone whom you are less than impressed with.

In terms of SHGC or solar heat gain, ask each rep who comes and gives you a bid what the ideal SHGC would be for your area and then whether you can (or should) lower this on any west or south facing window that get lots of sun exposure. They should have a good idea of your area since they sell all day long to homeowners with your basic climate. Two of three opinions should get you the answer, although not always :)

Let me know what you find in terms of price and I'll let you know my two cents.

Dan K. - April, 2016

Soft-Lite Pro Windows Costs

Soft-Lite Pro Window Comparison

I am looking at Soft-lite Pro Windows and wondering how good the Feldco ones are? They are running a buy one, get one deal, but nothing on their website about construction? Is it worth checking out? The Pros are running about $684 per window installed.

Audrey - April, 2019

Site Editor's Response

The Soft-Lite Pro window is a very good window, from a very strong company. Obviously I don't know who is doing the install, but assuming they have a solid reputation and track record, this is a very good option. Feldco windows on the other hand is a product/company that I don't have a ton of experience with. I looked at the performance data of their premium model, Sophia, and was impressed though. If you went with htem, I'd suggest sticking to their premium vinyl window.

Personally, I would be leaning hard towards the Soft-Lite option, but I'd like to see you get that per window cost down. I'd still collect a couple more bids to see if the $684 per window is fair. I'll give you my list of quality brands to look at: Okna, Sunrise, Polaris, Kensington, and Zen windows (they sell Soft-Lite). Easiest to do a google search for "sunrise windows in [your city] Illinois" for instance and see if any local companies sell them. If so call them up and get a bid.

Dan K. - March, 2019

Soft-Lite Pro vs. Imperial LS

How about Soft light Imperil LS or the Pro and is it worth spending more money for the LS or should I stay with the pro

John - March 2018

Site Editor's Response

The Soft-Lite Imperial LS and Pro models are both excellent, so much better than the Alside. The Pro model is quite good and the Imperial LS is one of the best on the market. I personally think the Pro is fine for most households.

Tim - Site Editor - March 2018

Soft-Lite Pro vs. Elements

I am replacing 9 windows and have narrowed it down to the soft lite elements for $6700 or the soft lite pro for $6050. A there any advantages for either one? From what I've read it seems the price is on the high side at $750 per window. Any other windows I should look at that have similar qualities? Thank you

Kathy - October 2016

Site Editor's Response

Kathy, the Soft-Lite Pro is an older model and considered a very good vinyl window. The Soft-Lite Elements is their top-of-the-line window, the company spent quite a bit of R and D in redesigning the Imperial LS and Elements windows, and considered one of the best vinyl windows available.

I agree that $750 per window sounds a bit high, but it's not necessarily too high for the specifics of your project. I would suggest getting a couple more bids -- check out our top rated windows page for other contenders that might be available in your area. This will help you determine if the bid is high or not and may give you a better price point to go back to the Soft-Lite dealer and ask him to match another bid etc.

Tim - Site Editor - from 2016

Soft-Lite Classic Windows Costs

Soft-Lite Classic vs. Champion Pricing

I recently had quotes on the Alside Mezzo, the Soft-Lite Classic and Champion. The Soft-Lite Classic was $475 a window, the Mezzo bid was about $500 a window and the Champion vinyl window was $550 a window. So which one would you recommend if it was your house?

Robbie - February, 2018

Site Editor's Response

Robbie, I think all three of these vinyl windows are decent options. I am happy to tell you that the cheapest bid you got is also on the better of the three windows. The Soft-Lite Classic is quite a nice window, better than the Alside Mezzo in my opinion. Champion Windows makes a good vinyl window, probably on par with the Classic, but it's obviously quite a more expensive. Go with the Soft-Lite dealer and let me know how it goes!

Dan K. - February, 2018

Soft-Lite Imperial LS Windows Costs

Soft Lite Imperial LS Bid

I have 19 double hung windows and three bids. One is a composite window and the other two are vinyl.

Harvey Classic Window - $550 per window

Interstate Composite Window - $643 per window

Soft Lite Imperial LS Window - $675 per window

Thank you!!

Mike - October, 2019

Site Editor's Response

Mike, the Harvey Classic is well priced. I don't know much about the Interstate composite window. My overall pick here would be the Soft-Lite Imperial LS.

Dan K. - October, 2019

Soft Lite Imperial LS Or Okna 500 Deluxe

We are in the process of replacing 20 windows in our house and I wanted to know what you thoughts about the quotes we have thus far.

Okna 500 Deluxe Window: $733 each with installation

Soft Lite Imperial LS: $650 each with installation

Robert - May, 2018

Site Editor's Response

Robert, both excellent windows. I would rate them in the top 8 vinyl windows on the market. They are very close in terms of quality and performance. So...definitely the Soft Lite Imperial LS at $650 each with installation and save yourself over $1600.

Dan K. - May, 2018

Soft-Lite Elements Windows Costs

Soft-lite Elements vs. Okna 500

I need to replace 18 windows that we put on the home in the early 80s. I have quotes from Soft-Lite, Marvin and Okna. Several of the windows are large and I'm concerned about using vinyl windows.

I have dismissed the Marvin quote because it was too expensive. So now I'm down to the Okna 500 and Soft-lite Elements as my two choices. Do you have any opinions on which one, they are very close in price.

Thank you!!!

Kendra - December, 2018

Site Editor's Response

Kendra, you should be fine with either one of these windows across a big span. Some of the less well made vinyl windows would be a cause for concern, but not the two options you have. Both Okna 500 and Soft-lite Elements are excellent windows with very good energy efficiency.

The Soft-lite Elements is better than the Okna 500. If it were between the Soft-lite Elements and Okna 800 model it would be very close, but here the answer is clear -- the Elements.

Dan K. - December, 2018

Soft Light Elements vs. Sunrise Restorations

Thank you for getting back to me and giving me your opinion it is helping me make my decision. Two days ago I found a dealer that installs Sunrise Windows. We are going to look at the Restoration series. How does that stack up with the Soft Light Elements?

Henry - November, 2017

Site Editor's Response

Henry, the Okna 800, Sunrise Restorations, and Soft Light Elements are the three best vinyl windows on the market. They are all three excellent.

Dan K. - November, 2017

Elements Series vs Gilkey

We are replacing 11 windows in all and are choosing between the following:

Gilkey Double Hungs 366 (U-value 0.26) $800 per window

Soft-Lite Elements: (triple pane, U-value .19) $680 per window

To me, the Gilkey seems a bit more sturdy. Also the window would be installed by a team that works at the factory so I'm assuming they know the windows very well. What would your call be?

Cindy - April, 2016

Site Editor's Response

Hi Cindy. Gilkey does make a good window, but I'm not sure there are many people out there who would consider anything they make better than the Soft Lite Elements. The Elements is widely considered one of the top five vinyl windows around. Assuming the Soft-Lite installers seem like they know their stuff and have good online reviews, that's the choice I would make. However, either window is going to serve you well for decades to come.

Dan K. - April, 2016

Soft-Lite Casement Prices

Where can I find these prices in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area? One example I've received is a Softlite casement installed for $1,950. Softlite slider installed ..........$1,450. This is a great deal higher than you show in your cost list.

George - April, 2016

Site Editor's Response

George, these are industry average prices for a normal sized window with standard installation. $1950 for a casement would lead me to believe that you are talking about a huge casement or a fixed middle window with a casement on one side, or perhaps both sides. The installation requirements might be significant as well.

If this isn't the case and you are talking about a normal sized casement or slider, then the price you are receiving is quite high. The Soft-Lite Elements is one of the best vinyl windows out there, but even this window shouldn't cost this much.

Try to get a couple more bids from Sunrise on their standard frame or on an Okna 400 or 500. Perhaps Polaris has a rep in your area.

Get a few bids in order to really see what the fair market price is...

Dan K. - April, 2016

General Soft-Lite Window Questions

Soft-Lite Acquired By Harvey In 2016

Have you heard anything about Soft-Lite quality changing because of being bought by Harvey Industries last year?

David - November, 2017

Site Editor's Response

I have not heard of any changes to the quality of their windows. As far as I know, nothing has changed on the ground. If anything, I would assume the company is stronger with Harvey behind them.

Dan K. - November, 2017

David's Response

Thank you for the reply. I had a well-regarded window company in Kansas City come out who was a Soft-Lite dealer (according to their website) and he had to quote me on the ProVia Endure window.

He couldn't tell the details, of course, but, for some reasons, he didn't quote Soft-Lites, even tho I asked about them. Maybe Harvey has imposed some additional requirements that turned them off (maybe exclusivity or something.) Really appreciate the wealth of info at your sites.

David - November, 2017

Site Editor's Response

David, there are all sorts of odd dealer requirements and rules ? but on the plus side both Soft-Lite and ProVia make a good window. Best of luck to you!

Dan K. - November, 2017

Soft-Lite Picture Window

I want to purchase one soft lite picture window in bronze with an arch top. This will be constructed to fit an existing wall and does not need to be exact. Perhaps 45x45?

Why can?t I just have someone mail one to me?

I would like to avoid the middle man markup.

Deb - January, 2018

Site Editor's Response

Deb, unfortunately, most window manufacturers like Soft-Lite do not sell directly to consumers. Instead they sell through distributors. You can buy home windows through Home Depot and Lowes. Although they don?t sell the same quality windows, some of them do sell some decent windows. The Andersen 100 series is a good window and as a picture window it should serve your purposes well.

I would call all of the big box stores in your area and tell them your requirements and ask what they would recommend. I?ll bet if you talk to three stores, you will have a pretty good idea of price, quality, and availability.

Dan K. - January, 2018